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Our products have been revolutionizing the surfacing industry since 1991

Discover materials developed by industry-leading engineers, from the world’s first microcement to a professional-grade waterproofing membrane and industrial strength sealers.

x-bond microcement house walls and floor
x-bond microcement bedroom walls

We design and deliver customized surface solutions for clients in all industries, worldwide

x-bond microcement walls, floor and joinery
liquid waterproofing membrane
concrete colour stain
ADA safety flooring outdoor pool
x-bond microcement bathroom walls modern architecture

Redefining surface creativity with X-Bond Microcement

When it was first developed in 1991, X-Bond disrupted the surfacing industry; a groundbreaking alternative to traditional floor, wall, or joinery materials made of natural stone and latex polymer. Our advanced microcement system can be seamlessly applied over almost any existing surface.

Elevating projects worldwide for over 30 years, it’s a product made for clients who are visualising modern spaces with unmatched versatility, durability, and beauty.

Trusted and renowned across the globe

Let our team bring your vision to life

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    Achieving a premium transformation in your home is easier than you think. Tell us all about your project and we’ll get you in touch with a trained installer near you.

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    Are you an Architect, Interior Designer, Builder or Home Owner looking to have our innovative products in your next project?

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  • Become An Installer

    Do you want to offer world-class surfacing products to your customers? As demand for our products grow, so does our network.

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