• Preparation: SEMCO Power Cleaner and Nu-Lift Cleaner

  • Floors: SEMCO X-Bond Microcement, PreStain Color – Rawhide color, sealed with X-Crete 400 Matte and Crystal Coat

  • Project size: 13,000 sq ft

  • Project year: 2004

  • Location: Washington DC

The Pentagon Athletic Center

SEMCO provides “military strength” surface solution for nation’s defense headquarters


The Pentagon, headquarters of the United States Department of Defense and iconic symbol of America’s military strength, was in need of a remodel and upgrade to their on-site athletic facility. They were seeking a high-performance finish for their corridor floors that could withstand the facility’s heavy traffic while providing an aesthetically pleasing appearance for its daily workers and visitors.

The resurfacing process and materials needed to meet the Defense Department’s stringent requirements. To ensure compliance, they hired a company to certify that any products used during the remodel and upgrade process were made in the U.S. and were environmentally “green” and biodegradable (an EPA requirement). They also had to be durable and long-lasting—up to at least 20 years.

The Pentagon chose SEMCO’s ADA Safety Floor, anti-microbial surface as the perfect remedy for their worn, dull floors.

Exploring Alternatives

Many manufacturers submitted project proposals, but few were able to meet the stringent requirements set forth by the Department of Defense, including the Pentagon’s requirement that the project not require any demolition or “down-time.”

SEMCO’s unique X-Bond Microcement “Remodel Without Removal™” application process and environmentally friendly materials exceeded all standards and prerequisites.


The initial challenge that SEMCO encountered on this project was a slow start, as all of the company’s certified installers needed to complete background security checks prior to beginning work. This stage took approximately three weeks. Additionally, each tool and product had to be scanned for security purposes.

There was also some indecision, mid-way through the project, as to the color choices for the new surface, which slowed the process. Fortunately, SEMCO’s PreStain Color can be easily modified to produce the exact effect desired by the client.


Using SEMCO’s sign-off matrix system, the project engineers were able to ensure quality customer satisfaction, and deliver the perfect surface hue. While the color change issues did set the project back four days, we were able to make up for the lost time with our quick-drying finishing coat.

Despite the challenges—we finished on schedule.

The finished product was a beautiful new surface; one durable enough to withstand the property’s high volume traffic, and attractive enough to meet the high quality standards of the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense—all delivered ahead of schedule.


SEMCO’s signature X-Bond Microcement surface solution converted the Pentagon Athletic Center floors from something lackluster to something truly sensational. The sleek, modern finish will continue to hold up beautifully for years to come, for the many military and civilians alike who frequent the high-profile facility.

Sleek, modernized floors in the entry hallway.

Because of SEMCO’s success on this project, we were chosen to provide surface solutions once again when the Pentagon looked to expand the building in 2011.

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